Fans of Tony Stark may rejoice, however. Today, GiantBomb journalist Jeff Grubb revealed that Electronic Arts is developing another Marvel game in addition to Black Panther. Fellow insider Tom Henderson added that he heard it’s Iron Man indeed, although he hasn’t been able to scrounge much more information than that.

Put this heavily under the “rumor” category for now and if I hear/see more information that’s concrete I’ll report on it properly. Just thought it was worth mentioning. — Tom Henderson (@Tom_Henderson) August 3, 2022 It’s an interesting rumor, though we can’t imagine which development studio would be dedicated to the Iron Man project. Black Panther is being developed by a brand new Seattle-based studio led by Kevin Stephens, who previously worked as Vice President of Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor/Shadow of War developer Monolith Productions. Looking at EA’s current roster, Motive Studios is busy with the Dead Space remake due on January 27th, 2023; Respawn Entertainment is working on Star Wars: Jedi Survivor (out next year, possibly in early March), an untitled Star Wars first-person shooter game helmed by original Battlefront veteran Peter Hirschmann, and a Star Wars strategy game co-developed with Bit Reactor; another Seattle-based studio helmed by Halo co-creator Marcus Lehto is reportedly working on a Battlefield single player game; Codemasters, DICE, Criterion, and BioWare are also otherwise busy, although the latter’s flying mechanics implemented in the now-defunct Anthem could easily be reworked into a proper Iron Man game. Stay tuned for more info on this latest Marvel project as the rumors pile on ahead of any official announcements from EA.

Iron Man Single Player Game Possibly in the Works at Electronic Arts - 10Iron Man Single Player Game Possibly in the Works at Electronic Arts - 34Iron Man Single Player Game Possibly in the Works at Electronic Arts - 83Iron Man Single Player Game Possibly in the Works at Electronic Arts - 43Iron Man Single Player Game Possibly in the Works at Electronic Arts - 52Iron Man Single Player Game Possibly in the Works at Electronic Arts - 76