That said, while there was some modest growth, a closer look at the stats aren’t that encouraging. While the Epic Games Store brought in $840 million overall, only $300 million of that came from third-party games (EGS and it’s launcher is still mainly used for Fortnite). There was one thing that was an undeniable hit on EGS – free games. 765 million weekly free games were downloaded via EGS in 2021, which means that for every free game players downloaded, they only spent around 40 cents actually buying stuff. In other words, while the exclusive game deals have declined in frequency, the Epic Games Store is still being propped up in another way. As for what we can expect in 2022, Epic will fully launch their self-publishing tools, which should greatly increase the EGS library. On the consumer side, free game giveaways will continue, and there are plans to roll out full user profiles… Three years into the experiment, have you mellowed on the Epic Games Store at all? Or are you still giving it the cold shoulder despite Epic’s best efforts? For those who aren’t, Epic Games Store is currently in the midst of its Lunar New Year Sale. Plus so much more:

Continued iteration on social features including voice on platform with game agnostic parties Community features starting with user driven Ratings and Polls Game Hubs to stay up to date on game updates and news from publishers on the games you own or follow Expanding Epic Wallet to the rest of the world Continued improvements to launcher speed and performance Epic Games Store Grew Modestly in 2021  But Still Relies Heavily on Free Game Giveaways - 8Epic Games Store Grew Modestly in 2021  But Still Relies Heavily on Free Game Giveaways - 41Epic Games Store Grew Modestly in 2021  But Still Relies Heavily on Free Game Giveaways - 37Epic Games Store Grew Modestly in 2021  But Still Relies Heavily on Free Game Giveaways - 42Epic Games Store Grew Modestly in 2021  But Still Relies Heavily on Free Game Giveaways - 22Epic Games Store Grew Modestly in 2021  But Still Relies Heavily on Free Game Giveaways - 73